How to get dYdX v3 Credentials

API_KEY_PAIRS and STARK_KEY_PAIRS are needed to run this tool.

Here are instructions for retrieving your dYdX API credentials from the dYdX website. You can follow these exact instructions in a chromium-based (e.g. Chrome, Brave) browser. If you are using a different browser, then inspecting web pages may require

  1. Go to (or “trade.stage.dydx.exchnage” if on testnet). If the wallet you want to use is not connected to dYdX yet, then click the “Connect Wallet” button and sign the Metamask transactions that dYdX requests from you. You should now see your portfolio value. Please change to “Testnet” if you want to try on testnet.

  2. Right-click on any blank part of the page, and click “Inspect”. If you are using a non-chrome web browser, use its inspect tool. Inside the “Inspect” window, find the tab that says “Application”, then find “Local Storage” on the left-side of the panel, then click “” (or “trade.stage.dydx.exchnage” if on testnet). Finally, find wherein the table that Key has the value API_KEY_PAIRS and STARK_KEY_PAIRS, click on that, and open it up.

  3. For API_KEY_PAIRS, find the wallet address that you want to use, and copy the value associated with “key”, “passphrase”, and “secret”.

  4. For STARK_KEY_PAIRS, find the wallet address that you want to use, and copy the value associated with “publicKey” and “privateKey”.

If you cannot find STARK_KEY_PAIRS and API_KEY_PAIRS, those data do not store on your browser's local storage. Please set “Remember me” on when you do onboarding process.

Last updated