Run on local PC
This guide shows steps to run the tool on your local.
*You can skip this part and go to Run on cloud service if you don't need to test on your local PC.
Prerequisites of this guide
Node.js v16.13.x~
yarn v1.22.17~
Install source code.
2. Get your Keys
a. For dYdX v3, Get STARK_KEY and API_KEY values with this guide
b. For Perpetual Protocol or GMX, Export your account's private key
(creating a new and dedicated account is strongly recommended)
c. For dYdX v4, Export your secret phrase
3. Rename ".env.sample" file to ".env"
4. Open .env in an editor and fill each variable
Environment Variables
Your Ethereum Address
Yes for dYdX
STARK_KEY_PAIRS > publicKey value got in step2
Yes for dYdX
STARK_KEY_PAIRS > privateKey value got in step2
Yes for dYdX
API_KEY_PAIRS > "key" value got in step2
Yes for dYdX
API_KEY_PAIRS > passphrase value got in step2
Yes for dYdX
API_KEY_PAIRS > secret value got in step2
Yes for dYdX
Your Private Key of Ethereum Address
Yes for Perpetual Protocol
Your Private Key of Ethereum Address
Yes for GMX
Number. Put 2 for 2x Leverage
Yes for GMX
Your mnemonic(seed) phrase
Yes for dYdX v4
Your mnemonic(seed) phrase of SUI chain compatible wallet
Yes for Bluefin
Unique password to enhance your security. Optional but recommended to be set.
5. Install ngrok, sign up, and add authtoken with the following guide
We use ngrok to get public URL and tunnel to your localhost to receive webhook from Tradingview
6. Run the connector web server
Option1: Run on docker container(recommended)
Install docker desktop(if not installed yet)
Build and start docker container
Open a new terminal window and start ngrok
Option2: Run without docker
Open Terminal, then
Install dependencies.
Start the web server
Open a new terminal window and start ngrok
check your console running ngrok. outputs should be as follows.
8. Open your browser and access http://localhost:3000/accounts
If you see a status message of your set up on your browser, the server is running properly.
9. Go to Test Tradingview strategy alert page and check if you can receive alert from Tradingview
Last updated